on the use of the website
1. Preamble
Welcome to our website! Thank you for choosing us for your purchase!
The website is operated by "KELET-AGRO" Trading and Service Company Limited Liability.
Please be informed that if you order products from us through the website, the content of the contract between us is governed by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC"), in addition to the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation.
Accordingly, the present GTC and its inseparable annexes contain the rights and obligations between you and KELET-AGRO" Trading and Service Provider Ltd., the conditions of the contract, the terms of performance, the delivery and payment terms, the liability rules and the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal. The information and model declarations available on the website and the information available separately on the website are annexed to these GTC.
Please read this document carefully before finalising your order, as by finalising your order you accept the contents of these GTC!
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, the use of the website, the products, the purchase procedure or if you wish to discuss your specific requirements with us, please contact us using the contact details provided.
2. Introductory information, definitions, interpretative provisions
4400 Nyíregyháza, Tokaji u 4. B. ép., Hungary
Service Provider/Seller/Company details | |
Name: | „KELET-AGRO” Trading and Service Provider Limited Liability Company |
Registered office: | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Tokaji str. 4. B., Hungary |
Address for correspondence: | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Tokaji str. 4. B., Hungary |
Address of shop, collection point: | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Tokaji str. 4. B., Hungary |
Court of registration: | Court of Nyíregyháza General Court |
Company registration number: | Cg.15-09-066786 |
Tax Number: | 12614961-2-15 |
Community tax number: | HU12614961 |
Representative: | Tamás László, Managing Director |
Phone: | +36 (42) 431-796; +36 (30) 777-7783 |
Fax: | +36 (42) 596-426 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Bank account number: | 10300002-13629916-00024889 (MBH Bank Nyrt.) |
Data protection registration number: | |
Location provider details | |
Name: | ServerGarden Limited Liability Company |
Registered office: | 1139 Budapest, Váci str. 99-105. Balance Building ép. 3. floor, Hungary |
Datacenter: | 1101 Budapest, Expo square 5-7., Hungary |
Contact: | +36 (1) 432-3139;; |
Parties: Seller and Buyer jointly
Consumer: a natural person acting outside his/her trade, profession, self-employed occupation or business
Consumer contract: a contract to which one of the parties is a consumer
Website: the website which is a means of communication between remote parties
Contract: a contract of sale between the Seller and the Buyer using the Website and electronic mail
Remote Communication Device: a device that enables the parties to make a contractual declaration in their absence in order to conclude a contract. Such means include, in particular, addressed or unaddressed printed matter, standard letters, advertisements published in the press with order forms, catalogues, telephones, faxes and Internet access devices
Distance contract: means a consumer contract concluded without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties in the context of a distance sales system organised for the supply of the goods or services covered by the contract, where the parties use a means of distance communication only in order to conclude the contract
Product: any marketable movable good included in the offer of the Website, placed on the Website and intended for sale, which is the subject of the Contract
Business: a person acting in the course of his trade, profession, self-employed occupation or business
Buyer(s): the person who enters into a contract by making an offer to purchase via the Website
In the case of contracts concluded between a consumer and a business (hereinafter referred to as „consumer contracts”) warranty: means the mandatory warranty provided for in the Civil Code and in specific legislation on consumer contracts
Relevant legislation
In particular, the following legislation shall apply to the Contract:
Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection;
Act CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services;
Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code („Civil Code”);
Government Decree No. 151/2003 (IX. 22.) on the mandatory warranty for certain consumer durables;
Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses;
19/2014 (IV. 29.) NGM Decree on the procedural rules for handling warranty and guarantee claims for goods sold under a contract between a consumer and a business.
3. Scope of the GTC, changes to the GTC
The contract between you and the Seller is subject to these GTC in addition to the mandatory applicable law. The Seller is entitled to change the provisions of these GTC within the limits of the applicable law. Please read the provisions of these GTC before making any purchase. Any modification of these GTC shall be valid from the date of publication on the website. Any changes will not affect contracts (confirmed orders) already concluded up to that time.
3.1. Adoption of the GTC
You must read these GTC before finalising your order. By making a purchase through , you accept the provisions of these GTC and these GTC shall form an integral part of the contract between you and the Seller.
3.2. Language of the contract
The language of the contracts covered by these GTC is Hungarian.
3.3. Information on the form of the contract
Contracts covered by these GTC are not written contracts, they are not filed by the Seller, the Seller does not store any data related to the contract after its execution, but of course issues an invoice or cash register receipt for the transactions. We recommend that you keep the proof of purchase for any future claims.
3.4 Prices
The prices of the products sold by the Seller on the Website are always in EUR, and the Website indicates the net and gross (including VAT) prices of the products. The prices are indicative, we reserve the right to change prices.
4. Further consumer information
You are a consumer if you are a private individual (natural person) buying from the Seller. You can access the information on consumer rights by clicking on this link.
5. Complaints handling and redress
5.1. Guarantee problems
In the event of a warranty problem, the Seller will examine the product at its customer service during opening hours Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 16:30 and Saturday: 8:00 - 12:00.
5.2. Complaints handling
The consumer may submit consumer complaints about the product or the Seller's activities to the following contact details:
Customer service office: | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Tokaji str 4. B. ép., Hungary |
Customer service opening hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 16:30, Saturday: 8:00 - 12:00; |
Phone: | +36 (42) 431-796; +36 (30) 777-7783; |
Fax: | +36 (42) 596-426; |
Internet address: | |
E-mail: | |
Seller shall endeavour to make the repair or replacement within a maximum of fifteen days. If the consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint, the Seller shall promptly take a record of the complaint and its position and provide a copy to the consumer or send it by email. The Seller shall keep a record of the consumer's reported claim and take delivery of the product in the event of a warranty problem, certified by a receipt.
5.3. Other means of redress
In the event that any consumer dispute between the Seller and the consumer is not settled during the negotiations, the following enforcement options are open to the consumer:
- Registration in the buyers' book: The buyers' book is available in the Seller's shop (customer service). The Seller will reply in writing within 30 days to the entries made in the Booksellers' Book.
- Complaints to the consumer protection authorities: If the consumer detects a breach of his consumer rights, he has the right to lodge a complaint with the consumer protection authority in his place of residence. If the consumer complains about a consumer's right to a consumer protection measure, the consumer's consumer protection authority may decide to take action against the consumer.
- Conciliation body: For the out-of-court and amicable settlement of consumer disputes concerning the quality, safety and application of product liability rules, as well as the conclusion and performance of contracts, consumers may bring the matter before a conciliation body attached to the professional chamber in their place of residence.
Contact details of the Conciliation Body attached to the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
Address: | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi str 2., Hungary; |
Phone: | +36 (42) 416-074; +36 (42) 311-544; +36 (42) 311-545; +36 (42) 420-180; |
Fax: | +36 (42) 311-750; |
Name: | Conciliation Board of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Chamber of Commerce and Industry; |
E-mail address: |; |
Website address: | |
- Court procedure: In administrative consumer protection matters, the consumer protection inspectorates of the metropolitan and county government offices are competent at first instance at county level, while the National Consumer Protection Authority is competent at second instance at national level. Jurisdiction is based on the consumer's place of residence, the place where the business is established, the place where the business is located and the place where the infringement was committed. The application can be submitted to any competent supervisory authority.
6. Data protection
You can access our privacy notice by clicking on this link.
7. Copyright
Pursuant to Section 1 (1) of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright (hereinafter referred to as "Copyright Act"), the website is a work of authorship and therefore all parts of it are protected by copyright. The Copyright Act (Szjt. Pursuant to Article 16 (1) of the Copyright Act, the unauthorised use of the graphic and software solutions, computer program creations contained on the website, or the use of any application that may be used to modify the website or any part thereof, is prohibited. Any material from the website and its database may be reproduced with the written consent of "KELET-AGRO" Trading and Service Company Limited Liability as the copyright holder, only with reference to the website and with indication of the source.
8. Others
If any provision of the GTC is legally invalid or ineffective, this shall not result in the invalidity of the entire GTC, notwithstanding the invalidity of the invalid or ineffective provision, the contract between the Parties and the remaining provisions of the GTC shall remain in force and the provisions of the Parties' agreement and the applicable provisions of law shall be deemed to apply in place of the invalid or defective provision (partial invalidity.
The Seller does not have a code of conduct under the Unfair Commercial Practices Act.
9. Functioning of the digital content, technical protection measures
The availability of the servers providing the data displayed on the website is above 99.9% per year. The data is stored on several hard disks on the servers using RAID technology. If any of the hard disks is damaged, the system remains operational with the remaining hard disks. Regular backups of all data are made so that in the event of a problem, the original data can be restored.
10. Interoperability of digital content with hardware and software
The data displayed on the website is stored in MSSQL and MySQL databases. Sensitive data is stored with an appropriate level of encryption and encrypted using hardware support built into the processor.
11. Information on using the website
11.1 Information on the essential characteristics of the products
Information about the essential features of the products available for purchase on the website is provided in the descriptions of each product.The information on the product page is for information purposes only, for the official product description please visit the website of the product manufacturer or contact us using the contact details provided on the website.
11.2 Correction of data entry errors - Responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided
You have the possibility to modify the data you have entered during the order process before finalising the order. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the data you enter is accurate, as the product will be invoiced and shipped based on the data you have provided. By placing your order, you acknowledge that the Seller is entitled to charge you for any damages and costs resulting from your incorrect data entry or inaccurate data. The Seller excludes any liability for performance based on inaccurate data entry. Please note that an incorrectly entered e-mail address or a saturation of the storage space associated with the mailbox may result in non-delivery of the confirmation and may prevent the conclusion of the contract.
11.3 Procedure in case of incorrect price
There may be an incorrect price on the website. In particular, an incorrect price is one which differs significantly from the generally accepted or estimated price of a product which is generally available on the market, or which may be due to a system error or a typographical error. In the case of an incorrect price, we are not able to accept the order (your offer) at the incorrect price and we are not obliged to sell the product at the incorrect price. No contract will be concluded between us in the event of an incorrect price being offered. If you make an offer at an incorrect price, the system will automatically confirm it, but this does not constitute acceptance of the offer by us. In the case of an incorrect price bid (order), the Seller will send you an e-mail or telephone confirmation - not an automatic confirmation - from the Seller's staff, drawing your attention to the correct price and offering to conclude a contract at the correct price. You are not obliged to make an offer and conclude a contract at the correct price communicated by the Seller instead of the incorrect price. No contract will be concluded between the parties.
12. How to place an order
The use of the website is subject to registration.
Information provided on the website does not constitute an offer by the Seller to conclude a contract. In the case of orders covered by these GTC, you are considered to be the Bidder and the contract is concluded upon acceptance by the Seller of the offer made by you through the Website, in accordance with the provisions of these GTC.
12.1 Selection of the Product
The terms and conditions set out in this section of these GTC by clicking on this link shall be governed by the terms and conditions set out in the "How to buy".
13. Finalizing the order (making a quote)
If you are satisfied that the contents of your shopping cart correspond to the products you wish to order and that your details are correct, you can complete your order (make your offer) by clicking on the "I buy"/"I checked, I order" button. By clicking on the "I buy" button, you expressly acknowledge that your offer is deemed to have been made and that your declaration will be subject to payment in the event of confirmation by the Seller in accordance with these GTC.
14. Processing of the order
Orders are processed continuously and in two stages. You can place an order at any time. You will first receive an automatic confirmation of the order, as described in point 14.1, and then the Seller will confirm the order by telephone, via the telephone number you have provided. If the order is placed after the end of working hours, it will be processed on the following working day. You will be bound by your offer for a period of only 48 hours in the event that it is not confirmed by the Seller in accordance with clause 14.1 or 14.2 of these General Terms and Conditions.
14.1 Automatic confirmation e-mail
After placing your order, you will receive an e-mail notification from the Seller to the e-mail address you have provided. This confirmation will be an automatic confirmation e-mail, which will only record the fact that your order has been received via the Website, but this confirmation will not constitute acceptance of your offer. If you notice that the automatic confirmation e-mail notification contains incorrect information about you (e.g. name, delivery address, telephone number, etc.), you must notify us by e-mail without delay, but no later than the date on which the requirements of clause 14.10 are fully met, together with the correct information. Failure to do so will be subject to the provisions of clause 11.2 of these General Terms and Conditions. If you do not receive an automatic confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of placing your order, please contact us, as your order may not have been received by our system for technical reasons.
14.2. Conclusion of the contract, acceptance of the offer by the Seller
The Seller is obliged to confirm your offer by telephone during the working day following the sending of your offer, via the telephone number you provided during your registration or order. The Contract is concluded by the Seller's acceptance of your offer. The product you have selected may not be available in our warehouse. The expected delivery date for orders or whether the product is available in our warehouse will be indicated for all orders on the Website during the ordering process, but at the latest when you confirm your order by telephone. The actual delivery time will therefore depend on the stock availability, but you will be informed of this during the order process, but at the latest when confirming by telephone, and you can indicate whether this is acceptable to you. If you cannot accept the delivery time and you indicate this to the Seller at the latest when confirming by telephone, the contract will not be concluded and you will not be obliged to pay and the Seller will not be obliged to deliver, otherwise the Seller will deliver the ordered Product.
15. Method and conditions of payment
15.1.The total of your payment obligations
The order summary and the confirmation e-mail pursuant to clause 14.9 - in the event of any modification, the telephone agreement pursuant to clause 14.10 - shall include all the costs payable by you. The invoice, if required, the guarantee letter (warranty ticket) and, in the case of on-line ordering, the order summary shall be included in the package.
15.2 Payment methods
You may choose to pay the courier the total amount of the product and the delivery fee in cash at the time of delivery of the ordered product by courier, at the same time as you receive the goods.
15.2.2. Payment on the spot
You have the option to pay for the product by cash or credit card at the time of personal collection of the product or in our shop prior to delivery.
15.2.3. Payment in advance, account number
You can pay the price of the product in advance to the following payment account: 10300002-13629916-00024889 (MBH Bank Nyrt.). In this case we will send you a transfer invoice by e-mail, fax or letter. You will receive the goods after the invoice amount has been credited to our current account, or we will deliver the goods according to your order.
15.2.3 Payment by credit card (via OTPSimple, Global Payments or PayPal)
Payment by credit card is made entirely within OTPSimple or GlobalPayments' own system. Although the Seller cannot see (and therefore cannot store) your credit card details, he will be notified immediately of the credit card payment and your order (for products in stock) will be packed immediately.
Please note that you can also pay by credit card within PayPal. If you are a registered PayPal user, it is recommended that you choose this payment method. Of course, in this case we will receive an immediate notification of payment, so the ordered product will be packed immediately.
15.3. Advance
The Seller reserves the right to request an advance payment to fulfil the order, depending on the product. The Seller may record the fact of this in a confirmation e-mail in accordance with clause 14.9 of these GTC. By placing an order you accept this fact.
15.4 Discount Coupons:
The Seller shall have the right to make discount coupons (hereinafter referred to as "Coupons") available to the Buyer. For the exact terms and conditions of the use of the Discount, please click on this link.
16. Receiving the ordered product
16.1.Personal collection and home delivery
The products displayed on the website can be collected in person or by delivery to the customer's home.
16.1.1. Personal collection
Personal pick-up is possible at the Seller's customer service during opening hours (Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 16:30 and Saturday: 8:00 - 12:00. On public holidays, personal collection is not possible. No delivery charges apply for personal delivery.
16.1.2. Home delivery, shipping costs.
Delivery costs will be indicated at the time of ordering. Delivery to your home is carried out by the courier service GLS General Logistics Systems Hungary Csomag-Logisztikai Kft. If you request delivery of the ordered product, the Seller will provide your contact details to the courier service, who will contact you to arrange a delivery time that is convenient for you. By accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy, you expressly consent to the Seller providing your details to the courier service. For details of delivery methods and conditions, please click onthis link. Permitted delivery address
The delivery address for the Products shall be an address within the borders of Hungary only. In case you require delivery outside Hungary, please contact us for a personal consultation (in this case, the delivery charges given do not apply, they only apply to the Hungarian delivery address)! of entitlement to delivery
The Seller shall consider the person entrusted with the acceptance of the goods as your representative appointed for this purpose, who, in addition to taking delivery of the goods, is also entitled to make declarations in connection with the transfer of the goods.
17. Procedure for quality and quantity complaints
17.1. Validation of quantity objections
At the time of taking over the goods, you are obliged to state any quality or quantity objections you may have to the goods received, as determined by visual inspection at the time of taking over, and to compare the goods received with the items on the invoice and to report any discrepancies.
Please note that you must inspect the parcel before the courier delivers it and ask for a report to be drawn up if any damage is found. We are unable to accept any subsequent claims without a report.
If you have not raised any objection at the time of delivery, the items on the invoice will be deemed to have been delivered in full.
17.2. Enforcement of claims arising from quality complaints and the Seller's warranty obligations
After taking delivery, you may only raise a quality claim for defects that are not detectable by inspection (latent defects) within the mandatory warranty period for the Product.
In the event of a minor defect which does not prevent the proper use of the delivered Product, you shall not be entitled to refuse to take delivery of the Product or to refuse to pay the price of the Product on the same grounds.
Please note that in all cases we will take photographs and/or video documentation of the Products returned by you to verify their condition at the time of return.
Please note that the Products are sold in accordance with the warranty rules in force in Hungary, as set out in Chapter 2 of these GTC. Please note that you can always refer to the detailed product description for information on the warranty period.
We also inform you that any warranty claim you may have can be made within the warranty period by presenting the documents listed below at the brand service centres indicated in the product description or at our shop during opening hours:
Documents required to validate the warranty claim:
- the complete factory packaging of the Product with all factory accessories;
- the original serially numbered invoice.
In the absence of all or part of these, we cannot accept your warranty claim! In all cases, it is your responsibility and expense to return the defective Product to the Seller.
With regard to the procedure for investigating quality defects, please note that Products which are the subject of a complaint in this context will be forwarded to the manufacturer, reseller or other third party with a guarantee obligation who will arrange for them to be repaired as soon as possible in compliance with the applicable legislation. Typically, the duration of warranty repairs and overhauls is 1-8 weeks, with the proviso that the service providers reserve the right to extend this period in justified cases.
If the quality inspection proves beyond doubt that the Product was defective, we will credit the cost of return delivery to you against your next purchase (in order to meet our obligation to indemnify you). Otherwise, we will charge you an inspection fee for an unfounded inspection, which, depending on the service, may range from HUF 2,500.00 gross, i.e. HUF 2,500.00, to HUF 5,000.00, i.e. HUF 5,000.00, in which case you will also be liable for the cost of returning the Product.
You may exercise your right to withdraw from the purchase in accordance with the relevant legislation set out in Chapter 2, on which you can obtain extensive information by using the contact details indicated above.
18.Completion deadline
The general time limit for the performance of the order is 15 days at the latest from the date of confirmation of the order or, if the Seller exercises this right, from the date of crediting the Seller's bank account with the advance payment. This delivery date is indicative and any deviation from it will be notified by e-mail. By accepting these general terms and conditions, you acknowledge that the Seller expressly excludes any liability for damages for exceeding the delivery time.
19. Reservation of rights
Some products on our website may have been discontinued. In this respect, we reserve the right to refuse all or part of orders already confirmed. Partial fulfilment can only be made after consultation with you. In the event of advance payment of the purchase price of the product, the amount will be refunded to you within 5 working days.
Nyíregyháza, 14.03.2024.
Kelet-Agro Kft. General Terms PDF
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